Fall Down Go Boom

So last night after we put Jack to bed Jess and I went out onto the porch to talk since it was still in the 70ºs. After about 15 minutes, I see Jack slither out of his room and into the living room. He then grabs his iPad and heads for his room. Wanting to scare him, I fling the door open and yell, “NO IPAD!” He giggles and hands me the iPad. About 5 minutes later, I see him slither into the living room again, this time he has his eyes set on my iPhone. Again, wanting to scare him, I fling the door open and yell, “NO IPHONE” He giggles and hand me the iPhone. That was that. After Jess went to bes I sat down on the couch and watched this week’s episode of ‘The Blacklist’. I got about 5 minutes in when Jack calls me into the kitchen.

He tells me that mommy took my iPad and cracked it. I told him that mommy didn’t take my ipad and that it was charging on the kitchen table. He then starts to get really upset and starting to cry. He tells me again that it was mommy that took my iPad and broke it. Getting slightly frustrated and curious, I tell him that my iPad was right here charging. That’s when I saw it. Its SmartCover was missing and the screen was totally obliterated. It was so smashed that at the point of impact a piece of the aluminum body was gone. Apparently he had sneaked it into his loft med and dropped it from the top to the floor. I then freaked and Jack began to cry uncontrollably. Not wanting to hit the boy, as much as I would have loved to, I grabbed his ipad and barged into my bedroom. Jess was concerned and asked what happened. When I told her she shot out the room and began to scream at Jack. After all was said and done he was sent to bed, unharmed, to cry himself to sleep.

I got some heavy clear vinyl tape that I have and taped up the screen. While doing so I realized that I was mad about the iPad, but I was even madder about him lying to me over and over. If he had told me it was an accident I would have been mad, but at least he would have told the truth. I taped up the iPad, sat back done to watch the rest of my show, and started to surf on my now ghetto iPad.
