My Not So Little Boy

Jackson turns 5 today. Yeah, 5. Where the hell did 5 years go? I remember like it was yesterday sitting in the hospital room waiting for him to show his face to the outside world. I remember seeing him being born, cutting his umbilical cord, and then holding him for the first time. In fact, I took the first picture of him (after being cleaned up) holding him with my iPhone 3Gs. That picture in fact is hanging in his room right now.

I guess I should say the kid’s room. Adelaide will be here in a few weeks and it will no longer be just Jack’s room. Weird. That’s going to take some getting used to.

We had Jack’s party yesterday and everyone, at least as far as I know, had a blast. We had a small party at the house with some close friends and family. We played pin the tail on the donkey, opened some presents, and lined up at our cupcake bar. We decided to forgo a regular cake this year and opted to have a ‘create your own cupcake’ bar. You grabbed a plain cupcake, and then had your choice of icings and toppings. I think it went over pretty well, especially with the kids.

Again, as far as I know, Jack loved each and every one of his presents. He of course has his favorites, and I should be proud since his favorites right now are video games. He really is my son.

As for today, we are letting Jack set the pace. Whatever he wants to do we are doing. We were thinking about going to a hay ride and picking out pumpkins, but he sis not want to do that. Fair enough. He said all he wanted to do all day was play ‘Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare’. SO that’s what we’re going to let him do. And as for dinner, since he is the birthday boy, he can pick out whatever he wants for his birthday dinner. Right now he said he wants Burger King, so we told him to think about it a little more hoping he will change his mind. And if he doesn’t we’ll be dining at Burger King tonight. That’s just fine with me. It’s his day.

I am going to try and make a vlog later and get him into the vlog to talk about his birthday. I’m not sure how that’s going to work out, but it’s worth a shot.

That’s really about it for now. I think I’ve gone on long enough. 400+ words for a post is pushing the limit. Later…
