Looking Forward To The Weekend

This Holiday weekend should be fun! First off, I don’t have to work since I am on medical leave due to my broken ribs. Secondly, Saturday looks to be near perfect weather!

While some may see this as on the cool side, for what we want to do it is near perfect.

  • A nice morning breakfast together
  • A fun afternoon noon at the park and/or yard
  • A dinner cooked on the grill as a nice fire burns in the firepit
  • Summer toys in the yard for all the kids to play with
  • Dinner eaten outside on the porch
  • Once it gets dark, a nice night in front of the fire with some marshmallow roasting

If that doesn’t sound like a fun late spring day I don’t know what does.

Come Sunday we head down to Easton to see Jess’s family and have a nice dinner with them. And on Monday, Memorial Day, we plan on having a nice day relaxing around the house. Maybe Jack and I will even sneak out while everyone else sleeps and check out the Memorial Day parade in Lee Park. Then unfortunately, it’s back to the grind on Tuesday with Jess back to school and me back to being Mr. Mom.

When thinking about this weekend, I cannot help but think about this series of pictures, stitched together by Google+, that was taken 2 years ago. To me, this is pure springtime family fun bliss — something I want this weekend to be.
