
A few months ago I saw a post on Facebook about a new game coming out called ‘Transformers Devastation’. It was a cell-shaded brawler game featuring the G-1 Transformers. I made a mental note to remember the game in the back of my mind but never really followed its development.

Then one day I see a video online about the making of the game. Since I hadn’t seen anything about the game in a while I decided to check out the video to see how the game looked. I was blown away. Not only did the game look just like the 1984 cartoon I grew up on, but they got almost all of the original voice actors to return! I was pretty much sold at this point!

Fast forward to October 5th — the day after my 38th birthday. I am sitting on the couch after everyone had gone to bed surfing the web on my phone and watching some YouTube videos. I then ran across another Facebook post about ‘Transformers Devastation’, only this one was about the game coming out the next day. Eager to find out if this was true, I do a quick Google search and confirm. I even go onto the PlayStation Network and indeed there the game is for download, playable at midnight. Wanting to get this game, I contemplate buying it right then and there. I have cash in hand from my birthday and want to use that, but the idea of being able to play it a few minutes after midnight is very enticing, even if I have to use our bank account. I debate this for a few minutes and then decide to pull the trigger. By this time it’s already after midnight so as soon as the game gets done downloading I can fire it up and kick some Decepticon butt! However, there is a hitch now. Since it is after midnight the PlayStation Store has not switched over the game from pre-sale status to regular status. And since it is after midnight on its release day the pre-order link is no longer valid. Basically I can see the game but there is not currently a valid link to purchase it. Yeah, just my luck. So I head to bed and decide to go out the next morning to pick it up, but even something as simple as that could never be that simple. Long story short, I had to go to 3 different stores to finally find a copy for purchase. In the end though, I came away victorious and scored myself a copy!

I’ve only gotten to play it for a few hours so far but it is fantastic! The voice acting is great, the graphics are incredible, and the gameplay is diverse. You literally go from a brawler, to platformer, to an RPG style weapons/tech upgrade system. I’m sure I’m likely to encounter more modes of play in the coming hours but that’s what I have discovered so far. The best part about this game is that it’s setup so that you can walk away from the game and just jump right back into it when you get the chance. Unlike some games like Metal Gear Solid or Skyrim where you need to remember where you are at in a given story line, this one lays everything out for you so you’ll never get lost and not know what is going on. An excellent game play system for someone like me who gets very small opportunities to play!
