A Night With Alton Brown

I waited 6 months for last night. Back in October we found out that Alton Brown was bringing his new tour to Wilkes-Barre. Being my culinary hero, I knew I had to go see him. After talking to my very excited wife, we decided to get tickets as our anniversary present to each other. So for the next 6 months, I waited, and waited, and waited. Then finally April 21st arrived!

Arriving at The Kirby Center we walked thru the full lobby. After buying 2 bottles of water, we headed into the auditorium to take our seats. We started walking in Jess started looking for our row. I laughed when we got about 1/4 of the way through the auditorium when she started to look worried that she couldn’t find our row. I looked at her with a smile and said, “Oh no dear. We’re MUCH closer then this!” She smiled at me and we kept walking…right down to the 6th row of the auditorium. Here is a view of the stage from our seats.

We had excellent seats!

Here is closer view of the screen on the stage.

When it was time for the show to start they showed a video about him coming up with ideas for the tour. After the video, the screen went black and showed a video of him in a dressing room. You see the door open and he starts going through long corridors making his way to a stage. He opens door after door and then the last door he opens leads him too….the lobby of the Kirby Center. It was then you realize that you’re actually watching a live feed. He runs thru the lobby and into the auditorium. We both turned around and sure enough here he comes running thru the auditorium and onto the stage. That was a pretty cool entrance! After playing an opening song with his band, he took off his electric guitar and started his show. About 5 minutes in he asked if he could take a picture of everyone and post it to his Twitter feed. He took the picture and posted it right there on the stage. When we got back to the car after the show I looked at the picture and sadly I was not in it. But Jess was!!

The show went on for 3 hours with a quick 20 minute intermission. The show was packed full of songs, experiments, skits, and lots of science. It was a fantastic 3 hours!

Some of the funniest bits happened when he brought people onto the stage to help him out with some experiments. He also went on a spiel at the very beginning that this was the first town he was ever to that he heard pronounced 3 different ways. It was a great time!

At the very end of the show, he sadly left the stage but this great image popped up onto the view screen as we all left for the night.

I know I have talked about Alton Brown before, and in all my wildest dreams I never thought that I would get to see him, let alone having him to to Wilkes-Barre of all places. It was a great night indeed.
