Taking A Day Off

So I have been going stir-crazy just sitting around the house on the mend from my knee surgery. Finally on Sunday, I decided it was time to push thru it. When I woke up I felt pretty good so I tried driving for the first time by going and getting everyone Sunday Brunch at Dunkin’ Donuts. After coming home I still felt good, so we all headed to my mom’s to hang out and cut her grass. After a slight argument with my wife, I told her I was feeling good and that I could cut her grass on my own. After shaking her head as if to say ‘asshole’ in a the way only a wife can do I got to cutting her yard. I was a little sore afterwards (it was the longest I had been on my feet since my surgery) but I was not in any pain. I called it a success!

Yesterday morning I woke up and decided since I still felt good, I would go down to the cemetery and do some cutting. After about 4 hours of cutting I decided to call it a day since I had to go to AutoZone for some stuff and I wanted to eat dinner with my wife and kids. So after 4 hours of cutting grass, I got off the mower and was greeted by pain. Not intense pain, but pain nonetheless. I ignored it and went to AutoZone and then came home. As I walked thru the door, my wife noticed I was limping a bit. She shook her head again in that unspoken ‘asshole’ way that only a wife can do. She then left to go to the grocery store for dinner supplies. When she got home, I could barely walk. I ended up taking a shower, threw down some ibuprofen, and laid on the couch with an ice pack on my incision for the rest of the night. I was in some decent pain at this point, so much so I had a hard time getting comfortable in bed last night.

I woke up this morning sore as hell and tired since I didn’t sleep well. Looking outside I saw that it had rained overnight. This was a bit of a blessing in disguise. Since I really wanted to take down the zero turn mower to the cemetery today, and it doesn’t do too well in wet grass (needs new tires), I finally decided after about 3 seconds of deliberation to take the day off. Am I behind at the cemetery? Yes. Am I in pain? Yes. But, in the back of my head I heard both my dad and my therapist. My dad told me that the cemetery will still be there tomorrow and it’s not worth getting hurt over. My therapist told me that I need to take care of myself and heal. So I have taken the day off and am resting. In fact, the most I have done today is make breakfast for the kids and drove to Abe’s for some lunch. Other then that, I have not done much of anything except rest. In fact, I think I’m going to pop a few ibuprofen after this post and chill for a bit on the computer. Yeah, that sounds good.
