2018 Diablo Anniversary Event

So the annual Diablo Anniversary event started 3 days ago. Thankfully, I found out about it yesterday rather than during the last few hours like I did back in 2015. From what I have been reading it’s pretty much the same event as last year, but I missed out on last year’s even completely because I was going through other things with my father. But this year, I am partaking 100%!

While there are lots of quests to be completed to get various loot, one of the coolest things you can do requires no quests at all. If you go to The Old Ruins and head towards the water fountain, you’ll see a portal open leading to a place simply labeled ‘Tristram’. So where does this portal take you? Back to the original Diablo game from 1996, only with your current character with all of your modern gear from Diablo III. But the best part of all of this retro goodness, is that the game, including your modern Diablo III character, all look like they would back in 1996!

Sadly I didn’t get to play the level more than about 5 minutes since I had already monopolized the night by finally completing Act V of Diablo III with my Barbarian Ulrich. I have to go out for a little this afternoon to run a few errands, but you can bet your bippy that I’l be playing some Diablo III tonight and tomorrow and running through the old 1996 Diablo levels. Can’t wait!!
