At What Point Can’t You Go Back?

I’ve been working on our new Intranet site for the past few days. I actually started this about 3 weeks ago, but it took until just this past week to finally find a WordPress theme that I think would really work.

Why WordPress and not a static hand-coded page? I seriously considered it, and still am from time to time, of going back to a nice homegrown static webpage like I used to make when I was using NewsPro or Coranto on this website. But giving that the whole part of having an in-house web server is for offline web development, I decided to keep everything in WordPress.

Now here is where the title of this post comes into play.

The theme I chose for the Intranet site is an old theme I used to use for this site back in 2007. I took this layout and started to really change it to reflect what I wanted for our Intranet. I wanted to go with a — surprise surprise — Star Trek theme. But in working on the graphics for the site, I started to really like the stuff I did. Like REALLY REALLY like. Like liking it so much that I have considered incorporating some of those elements and going back to that theme here. But here’s my thing: is that taking a huge step backwards? I used that theme 11 years ago. Back then I was newly married, working at Lowe’s as Department Manager of Installed Sales, still had my computer room, and no kids. Other than still being married, everything else has changed. I’m definitely not the same person I was back then. My site has always been reflective of who I am at that particular moment in my life. I tend to think as my current theme as ‘reflective’ of the past. The header images show some of my favorite things and those things have shaped me as a person. But at the same time, I am going through what I cam calling a ‘technological renaissance’ and wouldn’t going back to an 11 year old theme fit that as well? I’m just torn. I know now matter what decision I make it will be the right one, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

And for those of you who are curious, these are the graphics I made for that theme that currently have my Starfleet issued panties in a bunch.
