Old Friends

Since I no longer work at Best Buy, the weekends are mine once again. Last week I got a text from Jerry asking if I had plans on Friday. I told him I did not and he told me to check my other text message. As I read that a new group message came through. An old friend of ours, Georgia, was coming into town for one night only. (I know that sounds cliché but it’s the honest truth!) She wanted to know if I was available to meet up and grab a few drinks with her and Jerry. I checked with the boss (my wife) to make sure we didn’t have any preexisting plans and I was cleared to go out.

We meet up at the first bar at 8pm and we proceed to have a good time until about 3am. Once out, we realized that it had been 5 years since the three of us were actually together, and about 15 years before that event. Needless to say we have a great time! The worst part of the night, besides it ending, was that second round of pancakes we decided to have at Denny’s. No bueno.

Here’s a pic of the old gang back together.
