Finding Myself

Even though I am technically only working one job right now (the cemetery), I’m busier than ever. I have been going non-stop for weeks now. In fact, I have been going for so long now that I feel myself getting close to hitting that proverbial ‘wall’.

Yesterday was Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. We had a cookout at my mom’s, but instead of relaxing with the family I was once again going at full speed. After manning the grill and cooking all of the meats, I ate a quick burger and got to work. I took down the pool deck since the pool was removed on Saturday. After that, I employed the help of my niece, nephew, and their friends to remove the 5 4×4 posts that held up the deck. Sadly, my dad put them in REALLY well. Each once was secured with about 24″ of concrete. We dug, pulled, pushed, levered, and eventually jack hammered out all 5 posts over the course of about 2 hours. After that, I had my nephew help me support the bad tire on the board trailer with a plank and then we carried the boat that I drug out to the front to power wash last week back to the trailer and flipped it upside down on the trailer to keep it from filling up with water. After all of this I was dirty, hot, and exhausted. I fact, after coming home I fell asleep in a chair for about 30 minutes. While I didn’t mind doing these things for the most part since they needed to get done, it was a reminder that I eventually need to take some time for myself and do something I want to do, not need to do.

This notion really hit home last night when I loaded up this site and saw that I made my first video blog post 12 years ago, the weekend we got our cable modem. It was fun listening to what was going on and looking behind me at my old computer room. Back then I was working full time at Lowe’s and when I came home my time was mine since we did not have kids yet. Hell, at that time 12 years ago we weren’t even married yet! I miss the time when I had some time to sit down and do some things I wanted to do. I’m talking about the simple things like maybe watching a show I want to watch, or to play a game. Lately by the time we put the kids to bed, I’ve been going non-stop all day that all I want to do is go to bed. I know this is part of being an ‘adult’, but I still would like to figure out a way to do some of the things I used to like to do. I know things will probably change a bit once I get my new office built, but I’ve been so busy I haven’t worked on that since last month. With all of the rain we’ve been having the grass hasn’t slowed down at all at the cemetery. I’ve been trying to cut as much grass as I can in the sections that aren’t completely flooded. And to top things off, the zero turn mower is down right now after a deck support brace broke last week. I’ve been so buy I haven’t even gotten a chance to pull off the broken piece in an effort to either fix it or buy a new one.

So what am I going to do to rectify this? I have no fucking clue. It seems no matter how much I try to get ahead I never have enough time for everything. The only small victory that I may be able to claim is the fact that I am not going to work tonight. It’s going to be 90º with high humidity by the time I would get down there. Since I planned on starting trimming this week, and I’m already exhausted from a crappy night’s sleep last night (had to sleep on the couch since the cat decided to pee all over my side of the bed yesterday while we were gone), I’m not going to risk heat stroke and be out for the next few days. I’m just staying home and relaxing (ha ha ha) the best I can and start trimming tomorrow night.

Ideal? No. Needed? Yes.

On a side note, after watching my first video blog post last night, I’m thinking about maybe starting to make some videos again. You know, in all of my free time. o_O
