The Future

After taking some time off during the summer from this site, I now find myself pondering where it will go as we round out year 16 of this online journey.

In the time I was away, I made some serious progress on a project I started years ago to recreate some of the original iterations of this site that have been lost to the annals of time. In doing this I became reacquainted with what this site started off as and where I was in my life back then.

When I started back in 2002 I was single, living by myself, and did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I used to laughably call myself a ‘Digital Ronin’, but it was true. I lived online and answered to no one. Sixteen years later I have been married for over a decade and have two wonderful children. My time is now taken up with taking care of them and working a job I never thought I would ever be doing. A LOT has changed in 16 years.

So that brings me to my query — where do we go from here? I’m not even entertaining the notion of shutting the site down, but I feel like I’ve hit a wall in terms of what I am doing here. I think I need to step back and take a look at the past and think about where I would like to be in the future. I do believe that we are truly at a turning point right now with regards to the site.
