Pushed Too Hard

Just as I thought I eventually would, I pushed myself too hard yesterday when I should have been resting. Instead of riding the couch or bed all day like I should have, I had a meeting about new insurance policies at State Farm, went to Target to get a few things that we needed, stopped at Home Depot to get a fresh 5 gallon bucket to thaw our Christmas Eve turkey in, and then stopped at Oak Lawn Cemetery on the way home to pick something up from my mom. After all of that (about 3 hours out) I came home, had some lunch, and had about an hour to rest before needed to get Addy from the bus stop.

What did all of this get me? Being winded most of the day and more coughing fits then I had had the previous day. In fact, I was coughing so much that I aggravated the muscle in my chest/back that I pulled in the hospital during one of my more violent coughing fits.

This morning I woke up late having overslept, feeling like hammered shit from coughing all night. Instead of doing what I had planned to do today, I trimmed down my day and decided to do only what was necessary. This consisted of taking Addy to school, a quick stop at the grocery store for dinner supplies, and a trip to the Synagogue to pick up a key. After those errands were ran I came home, popped some ibuprofen, and now plan on spending the rest of the day relaxing and not doing much of anything. Maybe I’ll watch a movie, or at worst, play a video game. Hell, I might even try to sneak a nap in there somewhere. Whatever I end up doing, it’s not going to be strenuous in the least. I’d like to think I learned my lesson yesterday that this is going to take a lot longer to recover from then I had hoped for, but we both know that that’s a lie. I just need to keep reminding myself to take it easy and to slow the hell down for the next few weeks. Of course that’s easier said than done…
