A Fun Day Ahead

I’m leaving in about 25 minutes towards Philadelphia (west of Philly, so don’t worry!) to attend my very first video game convention called Too Many Games. I have been looking forward to this for months. Not only should this help fill some of the gaps in a few of my game collections, I hope to find some cool stuff that you just can’t find locally here in my hometown game shops. Plus, I will hopefully get to meet quite a few people in the gaming scene that I have been wanting to meet for a while.

While I am going by myself, I really do prefer it this way. Not to sound like a prick — this time at least — but I won’t have to worry about having anyone in tow that maybe doesn’t want to see or do something I really want to do. A full day out of town immersed in video games and video game culture is something I really need to recharge the old batteries right now.

I’m sure there will be a follow up post with pictures in the next few days — I’m already planning on being up for almost 24 hours since I could barely sleep last night — so you’ll just have to bear with me until then. If you subscribe to my Twitter or Instagram feed I’ll try and post a few pics over there throughout the day.

Other then that, it’s time to do one last check of everything I need for the day and head out for some road breakfast. Later…
