Feeling Like Crud

For those of you who remember my little stay in the hospital back in December I have good news for you — it’s baaaack!

I went to the doctor of Friday after not being able to stop coughing for a week and starting to have that same shortness of breath. Instant diagnosis — asthmatic bronchitis. The same damn thing that landed me in the hospital last time. I was told to take this full regimen of antibiotics, steroids, and inhalers. Most of all, I was told to go home, drink plenty of fluids, and rest. Did I? Of course not. A little over 24 hours later I was at work cutting grass for almost 7 hours. I did however take Sunday off, but today was a full day out with the fam thrifting and running errands. But, I am back to taking my doctor’s advice tomorrow as I need to rest up for this weekend. On Saturday I’ll be attending my very first video game convention outside of Philadelphia. I have been looking forward to this for months and I am not going to miss it. After this weekend, I’ll go back to killing myself by working harder then I should be and doing things I was told directly not to do. Until then, it’s going to be mostly my ass on my couch for the better part of 4 days. And I can’t say that I am not looking looking forward to that!!
