Too Many Games Game Swap 2019

Jerry and I got to attend the first annual Too Many Games Game Swap this past Saturday. It was like a mini Too Many Games Expo sans guests, panels, concerts, full arcade, and huge dealer’s room. Ok, putting it that way makes it sound really bad, but it wasn’t. The dealer’s room was about 1/2 the size of the regular expo, and the small free play area they had was relegated to console systems only and no full size arcade cabinets. So basically this was just an event to go buy some games and compete in a few tournaments that they were running — and it was a blast! We had a great time playing some games against each other in the free play area, we got to see a lot of rare game that we would have loved to have purchased but were waaaay out of our price range, and we also got to pick up some games we have been wanting to add to our collection.

So what did I pick up? Sadly they didn’t have any of the Dreamcast games that are on my immediate wish list, but I did get to get some of the games on my PSX, Xbox, NES, and PS2 wish list. And of course, I bought some Dreamcast games because, well, Dreamcast! So here a pic of my haul for the day.

One of the cool things was the first 40 people in line that were pre-registered (of course we were!) got a cool swag bag. In that bag, there was a nice Too Many Games sticker which now adorns my office window.

The one downside of my haul was that when I came home I suddenly realized that I had no more room to store my new Dreamcast games. So what’s a guy to do in this situation? Well you build a new game shelf of course!

I took a few hours on Tuesday after my therapy session to sit down and design the shelf I wanted to build. Last night I went to work after dinner and built my new Dreamcast shelf.
