The 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

Life is really strange right now. Shortly before we closed on our new house, the governed closed all of the schools down for 1 weeks. Then there was a national institution of what they’re calling “social distancing”. This means staying at least 6 feet away from people in public. During this scary time where literally hundreds of thousands around the world are infected and thousands are dying each day, we had the task of moving and and renovating our new home while living here. Then last week, the governor instituted a “Stay At Home” order which meant you could only leave your house for essential travel only. Restaurants (those that are still open) are takeout only, and grocery stores, home centers, and pharmacies are pretty much the only places that are still open. I’ve been going to a Lowe’s almost everyday Getting supplies for the house. I took precautions but never though too much about it — until yesterday.

Yesterday they revealed that 25% – 50% of this infected show no symptoms. Some never get sick and just spread it to others, while others suddenly fall very ill and are dead within days. Then today they announced that worldwide over a million people are now infected. To make things just a little worse and more close to home, about 98% of the positive cases in our county are in a city a mere 5 minutes away.

Yesterday I did not leave the house at all. The day before I stayed home but took the dogs for a walk and Addy bike riding. Today, I just had one long panic attack about the uncertain state of the world. To put it into context, out local grocery store back at the old house has no done this to protect its customers and employees.

It’s hard not to make the obvious comparison, but this is like something out of a movie.

We have tons of work to do to the house, but Jess and I have decided to limit ourselves to one project a day to keep us from getting exhausted and lowering our immune systems. Yesterday however, I had had enough. Physically I was tired and emotionally I was exhausted. Plus I was having quite a sever panic attack. I told my wife that I was taking a sick day, popped 2 Klonopin, and went upstairs to the bedroom. I watched TV for a little bit and then fell asleep for a few hours. Throughout all of this I have had a tough time sleeping. Thanks to yesterday’s Klonopin, I slept like a baby. In fact, I took more about an hour ago hoping for another good sleep. In fact, instead of my usual audio book, I’m watching Star Trek to fall asleep to. In these uncertain times, familiarity is key. Nothing is more familiar and comforting to me than Star Trek.

As for my job, I have decided to hold off starting it this year and practice responsible stay at home self isolation. While I don’t see anyone atypically in my line of work, at the moment mentally this seems to be the most prudent thing for me to do.

So I am off to watch some Star Trek and try to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Wish me luck!
