Buck Season 2020

Unlike the rest of 2020, my buck season WAS NOT a complete dumpster fire.

I decided to break with a 31 year tradition and not hunt from my stand first morning. Instead, I chose to hunt from the stand at the apple tress because the trail camera I have there has been telling me for 3 months that this is where most of the larger bucks on the property are crossing everyday.

So I get to stand at about 6:45am. At 8:28am I take one of the 8 pointers I have been watching for months and fill my tag.

I know you probably thought there was more to this story, but not really. Saw too many doe to count and 3 smaller bucks before this one. I did my homework, was patient, and now I have fresh meat in my freezer. Can’t wait to do it all again on Saturday for the start of doe season!
