The Day Off That Actually Was

Sunday was my first day off in over a week. Jess and I made no plans. I am really glad we did this. For this first time in literally months, we all spent a lazy Sunday in the house. Here’s how it all went down.

I was first up at 7:30am. I have no clue why my eyes popped open so early since I was up watching movies until about 2am, but whatever. I laid in bed enjoying not having to be anywhere for about 30 minutes before I heard Jackson get up. Much to my surprise, he was actually calling out for dad instead of mom. Feeling quite good about that I jumped out of bed and got my little man out of his crib. After having his morning milk, we got dressed, grabbed Loki, and headed off the Buttonwood Bakery for some freshly baked morning goods. After leaving with 2 full bags of pastries (all for under $7!) we came home, ate, and watched Thomas. About 30 minutes later, Jess woke up and had a belated breakfast with us. We all just spend the next few hours watching TV and playing. Then around 11:30am, Jack was getting tired, and to be honest, so was I. Not needing to be anywhere, and the weather outside far from ideal, Jackson and I took a 2 hours nap together. This was not only the first nap I have taken (non-sick) in months, but this was only the 2nd nap I have ever taken with Jackson since he started walking. We had a great nap!

After our nap, we played for a few mote hours, watching ‘The Other Guys” on Netflix, and had a fun afternoon. After the movie, I started making dinner for everyone. I was really looking forward to this since this was the first time I have been able to make dinner for my family in weeks. It’s been so hectic lately we’ve been eating take-out a lot more then we should be. Dinner tonight was a ham steak with a brown sugar glaze, and home fries. Dinner as always, was delicious.

After dinner we played some more, gave Jack his bath, and put him to bed by 8:45pm. It was around this time that I finally decided to take a shower myself. Since I didn’t have to rush, I was finally able to do something I have been wanting to do for a week now — shave! After that, I spent some time with Jess until about 10:30pm, and I headed up to my lab. I’ve been here ever since talking to friends, working on stuff for Growing Up Geek, and just relaxing some more. I’m forcing myself to stay up late tonight since I am heading to Gamestop tomorrow night after work to pick up my copy of ‘Mortal Kombat’ at the midnight opening. Once home with my prize, I’ll be playing it until about 3am-4am, at which point I’ll get a few hours of sleep before going back to work at 10am. Should be a fun night!

My Old/New Face
