
My wife was sick about 2 weeks ago with a sinus infection and a double ear infection. It would seem that she has passed this plague unto me. Wether it was intentional or not, that is up to an independent research committee to determine if any wrong doing is present. For me, I just get to suffer in semi-silence.

Air started out on Monday as a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Tuesday saw it progress to complete nasal impairment and slight sinus pressure. In addition, I found myself passing out at 11:30pm and waking up at 9:10am. That’s 9 hours and 40 minutes of sleep, something I rarely get unless I am sick. This was a bad omen in my little world. On Wednesday things just got worse. I still cold not breathe to save my life, had terrible sinus pressure, sore throat, and a raspy voice. To add to this fun list, I was also getting intermittent headaches. Then comes Wednesday night. I came home from work a literally felt like I was going to pass out. Or neighbor Jill was watching Jackson until I got home since Jess had orchestra practice. I did not think it was able to make the trek across our little alley to retrieve my son. I fact, I just sat there at the table for the longest time debating wether or not to call her and ask if she could keep Jack until Jess came home. I decided to suck it up and go get Jackson. This would be the start of my downfall.

Once we get home , Jack asks for a drink. Not knowing where his sippy cup was, I started the search. Usually it rolls under one of couches, so I got down on my hands and knees to take a look.. Big mistake. All of the sudden I was overtaken with a wave of nausea. I managed to fight it (thank God!) and simply fell to the floor. Jack continues to ask for a drink, and all I could tell him was to hold old and that daddy didn’t feel good. After a few minutes, I got back up to my knees and retrieved his sippy from under the couch. I got him his drink and immediately collapsed into a chair. Once there, I could feel the waves of nausea hitting against the inner linings of my stomach like the ocean hitting the beach. I knew then what I had to do. The only way I can combat this is to sleep. However, since I was the only one here to watch my son, that wasn’t exactly an option. So, I came up with a new plan. Looking in the kitchen, I found our stash of frozen waffles. I put a few into the toaster, in the hope that it’s fluffy carbohydrates would soak up a lot of the stomach acid in my system. After 5 waffles, it was not working. It was back to the couch for my sorry ass. I knew I needed to lay down in peace, so I did what any good parent would do — I bought my son a new Angry Birds game on my iPad. This would keep him occupied for several hours, if not days. I lad down on the couch and put on the TV. I had to find something to watch that would not only take my mind off of my stomach, but not be too interesting that I might be able a to get in a small nap. Looking of the list of movies on our home network, I found the perfect one — ‘Minority Report’. I started the movie and buried myself into the couch. Before I knew it I was waking up about 40 minutes later. Exciting since it was now a little after 9pm and my wife would be home soon, I managed to sit up and grab m phone. That when all my hopes were dashed. There was a text from my wife telling me she was going to Walmart after rehearsal and if I needed anything. I simply told here that I needed a bed since I was feeling like shit. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I quickly fell sleep again.

I vaguely remember hearing my wife’s voice when she came home, and somewhere in time I again vaguely remember her removing my glasses and placing a quilt over me. That’s about all I remember until I woke up sometime in the middle of the night. All I knew at that point was that it was still very dark out, I was on the couch, and that I did not over sleep since it was still dark out. Oh yeah, I could also barely move my body. Every joint, every bone, every muscle ached like you wouldn’t believe. This, added to the rest of my symptoms, I knew that I was indeed very sick. I managed to fall back asleep until I was woken up by the feeling of suffocation at 6:30am. I got up off the couch, took some Sudafed, and blew a disgusting mixture of yellow and bloody mucus from my nasal cavities. I knew hen what I know now — my ass isn’t going anywhere today. But then it hit me. I have an appointment with my therapist this morning.

I knew that if I did not cancel 24 hrs before said appointment that I would be charged anyway. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to do. I cam going to call when the office open in 30 minutes and see if I can cancel my 10am appointment without being charged. If I am to be charged, I will have to answer. Very important question — do I drive to Montage to my appointment and pay $25, or to I just stay home and still pay the $25 for the privilege to do so? I am hoping that I can cancel without having to pay, but I need to wait 30 more minutes to find out.

Well poop. I just checked the website for my therapist and not only do they indeed charge $25 of of late cancellation after 24hrs, but the office does not open up until 9am. So it looks like I might as well go to my appointment and get it over with. After that, I am coming home and getting under a pile of covers with some hot tea. Well, the hot tea will be in a mug, not physically under the blankets with me. That would just be crazy.
