A Strong Contender

I have found a new mail client that I really like, but, it’s lacking one component that I really do use alot. The client is called M2 and it’s part of the Opera browser. I have been using Opera for years, and have always thought it was a good browser…except for the $39.99 price tag that is. However, a few months ago they decided to stop charging for the browser and give it away as a free download. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge Firefox fan. That being said, I’m really starting to hate Firefox. The program itself is great, but it has a fierce memory leak that they don’t seem to want to fix. All you have to do is Google “firefox memory leak” to get a better idea about it, but to put it simply, when you have a bunch of tabs open, and then you close them, Firfox doesn’t let go of the memory it was using for those tabs, and then when you open a new tab, it grabs even more memory. So, in a typical night my Firfox maybe taking up 150+ mb of memory even when I may only have 2 tabs open. I’m not saying that I am going to ditch Firefox, but Opera is a great browser that has a great built in mail client. It is very tempting….
