Sicky Icky

Today is officially the third day in a row I have been sick with this damned stomach bug. Although I should say that it’s not only a stomach bug. On top of the stomach but my sinuses are draining for some reason, sending quart after quart of nastiness into my stomach making it feel worse then it already does. Yeah, yuck!

This all started Friday afternoon when I started to get a sore throat. I honestly thought nothing of it and went about my day. Later that evening, we attended Jill & Jessi’s wedding which was great, except for the fact that it was an outdoor wedding (and reception) while it was raining and blowing the entire time. We were all pretty drenched and cold on no time. Never before have I had to use an umbrella to get food from a wedding buffet. Then again, I had never been to a same sex marriage before so I suppose it was a night of firsts!

After we left the wedding, we went home to change into some dry clothes and headed to Barnes & Noble since we are sans kiddo that night. While there I got the dumb idea that a hot chocolate would help soothe my sore throat. Bad move! Not only did it do nothing for my throat but it really turned my stomach.

Once we left Barnes & Noble, Jess said she was a little snacky. Being that we didn’t have to be home at any specific time, we headed over to T.G.I. Friday’s for an appetizer before heading home. All was fine until the food was ordered. As as the waiter walked away I swiftly made my way to the bathroom where my intestines exploded via my bowels. Yeah, massive dump. After that was all over my stomach really felt like crap (no pun intended). We went home after eating and relaxed for the rest of the night.

The next day my Uncle Robbie and Aunt Barb came to go to Gavin’s Little League game. Not seeing them often, I was looking forward to seeing them. That is until my stomach had a different idea. I managed to hold it together most of the day, but by about 8pm, I just couldn’t take it anymore. Jess packed us up and took us home.

Once home, Jess literally handed me the keys in the driveway and told me to get inside and house and do what I need to do. I made my way to the bedroom and fell into the bed. I woke up at 11am this morning…still feeling like crap. Granted, I was able to eat today (wasn’t able to eat for 24+ hours) and decided to try and ignore it as much as possible. That lasted most of the day and I was able to wash the cars and do a quick grocery run for dinner supplies. But right now, my ass is firmly planted on the couch and I don’t see it moving for the rest of the night. I’m hoping that I may finally start to feel better tomorrow.
