
I’ve been playing around with some video stuff the past few months. Since we a started doing video podcasts over on The Growing Up Geek Network I’ve been very interested about the different means of video distribution.

We use Google+ Hangouts for all of the video casts, and that really serves us well. It’s inexpensive (free), it allows a large group of us to interact, it doesn’t need to be edited, it automatically recorded and uploaded to my YouTube channel, and one top of all of that, it streams the show live on YouTube as we record it.

So you’re probably wondering why I am looking at alternative forms of content delivery. Well, that’s a very good question.

Jerry and I have been trying to work on a new podcast for the better of 7 months. The original format would have worked perfectly, but the logistics of doing the setup on a regular basis proved futile. We then decided to change routes and go with a remote video cast rather than being in the same room, but we’ve yet to come to an agreement on how we want to do. During this time, I have been considering doing a video show myself.

I do a weekly podcast called ‘Trev’s Head’. On the show, I pick a single topic and discuss it for about 20 minutes. Sometimes it’s longer, some times no so much. When I started doing the show, I agreed to keep it audio only. I have been rethinking that decision for a while now. I wonder if maybe doing a video version as well as an audio version might be a good idea. And then I got another idea…

What about if I did a video blog? Just like this only in video form — and with a lot less typos! I put together a trailer introducing the concept a while ago on my YouTube channel. If you haven’t see it, here it is.

While the only deadline I established for this new endeavor was ‘2013’, I’d really like to get somewhat of an idea of how I’m going to be doing it soon. I want options to where I can stream if live if I choose to and I can keep a hard copy for my records. I’ve been looking into UStream and it’s a great service but for the life of me I can’t find a way to download my own videos. I think that’s how its designed and if it is then I’ll move on. There are still lots of services out there and I have even looked into streaming the video and audio myself with some of the programs I have available to me.

All in all, it would appear that the last quarter of 2013 is going to be all video baby!
