Days To Remember

I know I’ve talked about this before but there are certain days that tend to get etched into my mind. Some days, like the birth of my son, are very detailed and others are more of a general feeling of a time in my past. For example, something may trigger a memory of my first Christmas with Jess, but not an exact day or moment.

Last night we went out and finally bought a new light for over the kitchen table. The old one gave up the ghost a few months ago and we never found a light we could agree upon. We finally decided on one and I installed it last night. Having not had a light in there for months, it looks weird to see a light there now. This reminds me of when I first moved into this house. There was never a light on the wall and it wasn’t until I was here for a little while that I installed one. Going from having just an overhead light to a light on the wall totally changes how the room looks. I remember that feeling and it echoed in my head today.

The new kitchen light

Not only was a reminded of a time long gone but I think I may have slipped in a few new bookmarks in my brain today.

We drove down to Blakeslee to meet Brandi who was driving Jack up from his weekend with them. It was quite cold out and very windy — prefect fall weather. Sitting there in the parking lot of Wawa and then going out into the cold to walk to Brandi really reinforced the season upon me. Then tonight I grilled a steak on the grill and afterwards, Jess made little apple pies for desert. It’s dark outside, the house smells of pie, Jack is watching videos, Jess is sewing, and I’m listening to music. It’s a very nice autumn night.

One other memory struck me today. On the ride to Blakeslee I kept looking out into the woods. Most of the leaves have fallen along route 315 and it had a winter look to it. It reminded me of when I was a kid and I would go out into the woods every Sunday afternoon. While everyone in my house watched football, I would get dressed and walk the woods behind the cemetery. I enjoyed the solitude back there; plenty of space and time to be alone with my thoughts.

To this day, I still remember a Sunday where we had KFC for dinner. I went back into the wood after dinner and I shoved a KFC biscuit into the pocket of my jean jacket. I don’t know why I remember that memory, but I do.
