
Since I have taken a sabbatical from posting wallpapers, I have had a little project in the back of my head I’ve been wanting to tackle. A project that I know will be advantageous, but not impossible to do. A new wallpaper archive.

I have 722 images in my wallpaper directory on my server. Since half of those are thumbnails, that means I have posted…hang on…carry the one…386 wallpapers to this site. Wow!

Now I have a very convenient link in my main menu to the wallpaper archive, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could look at a list of women and see if your favorite is here on the site? Yes, I know you would like that. But in order to so this, I have to manually go through 386 wallpaper posts and write down the name of each fine lady. Then after I have my list, I have to come up with a paging system on the site that auto propagates with each new wallpaper posted. Granted, I’ll have to add the name of a new girl manually, but if I add say, another Jordan Carver wallpaper, it should automatically show up on its page. I’m not sure how that will work, but luckily I don’t have to worry about that until I have a list of all 386 wallpapers done. Now to get started…
