Adelaide Elizabeth Shafer

So we had an unexpected event happen Tuesday night, or should I say events. Jess was set to be induced on Wednesday when she got a call Tuesday afternoon telling her that they wanted her to come into the doctor’s office for an ultrasound. We could’t understand why since she was to be induced and they cancelled all of her other appointments, but she went anyway. Boy are we glad she did!

The baby was measuring at 8 1/2 pounds! That meant that since Jack was 7 1/2 pounds an induction was out of the question. She was then promptly scheduled for a c-section Wednesday morning at 8am. She got home, we had dinner, and had a normal evening. Her mom was coming up that night so we just hung out waiting for her. We had to be at the hospital at 5am for the c-section so we made sure everything was packed and ready. Then it started happening. Jess started having contractions. Not the contractions she had been having for weeks, but ones that made her stop talking and breathe heavily. It was happening enough that I started timing them. By 8pm she was having 5 minute contractions every 15 minutes. They we that regular. So she looked at me, I looked and her, and she said, “You’d better go take a shower.” So I took a shower. While she was in the shower I called the doctor and let them know what we going on. I got their answering service but was promised a call back in a few minutes. I got just that from the doctor on call. She agreed with us that we’d better go to the hospital. I let Dianne know and told Jess when she got out of the shower. She got dressed, I packed up the car, and we were out the door a little before 10pm.

We arrived at the hospital and headed to the maternity ward. They took us in and started all of the stuff that they do. You know, paperwork after paperwork, questions galore, and stuff like that. Once she got into a gown and settled in, they gave her an I.V. of some kind of drug to slow down her contractions. When she was settled in, I told her and the nurse that I was going to go out to the car to get our bags. So, out to the car I went and got the bags. I was only gone maybe 10 minutes…ok, maybe 15 since I got lost coming back, but the point is that I wasn’t gone long. When I came back to the room with the bag I was thrown a pair of scrubs and told to put them on.

I walked through the privacy curtain and saw that Jess was all decked out.

Apparently, while Iw as gone, they couldn’t stop the contractions and they decided to do the c-section tonight. As soon as I got done putting on the scrubs the anesthesiologist was in the room going over what was going to happen. Before I knew it, they were rolling her away, I was told to take all of our bags to a different room, and to come back to this rocking chair outside of the operating room. I did so and about 15-20 minutes later I was let into the operating room. I sat right by Jess and held her hand during the whole procedure. About 5 minutes later, we got to meet our daughter for the first time.

I present to you, Adelaide Elizabeth Shafer!

She was born on November 5, 2014, at 12:20am. She was 8lbs 9.5oz and 17 inches long.

After the birth, Jess went to recovery for an hour, and I headed to what would be our room. They brought Jess back and brought Addy in a few hours later. Everything went very well and everyone was healthy. What more can you ask for?
