Top 5 Of 2014

It’s that time of the year kids! It’s Twev1701’s Top 5 of 2014! Yeah, I know I usually do a Top 10 but I decided to break it up this year with a Top 5 and a Bottom 5 so show the yin and yang of my year. Ready? I am! Let’s go!!!!!

Top 5 of 2014

    • The birth of our daughter Adelaide. We now have a 2 beautiful children to raise and corrupt.
    • Our yearly trip to Ocean Grove. I got to try out my new underwater camera, got a room with a private beach balcony, and spent a day with Brandi and the kids. Your worst day in Ocean Grove is still better then a good day at home.
    • Hunting. This year I go to go hunting with my dad for 2 days. I saw so many deer it was insane. I ended up getting a nice 6 point buck on the second day. As a bonus, I got to see a lot of other wildlife in the woods. And I now know what the fox does indeed say!
    • Fall farm picnic. It’s rare that we can make it down the farm as a family. This year it was only us and my parents, but you could not have asked for a better fall day. We played in the leaves, rode the quad, saw deer, and never stopped laughing!
    • Supernatural. It’s been a few years since I have found a new TV show to suck me in. On a whim back in the summer, I watched the pilot episode and was hooked. Jess and I just finished off the 9th season (that’s 207 episodes!) this evening. Time to start season 10 (current season) tomorrow night!


  • For Christmas I got a card from my dad. He totally surprised me by getting my big buck that I got 2 years ago mounted! Now I won’t be getting it for a few months, so it seems kind of like a cheat to include it in 2014, but I am anyway.


Now with all good must come some bad. This will show a contrast on how your life can swing from one end of the playground to the other over the course of 12 months.

Bottom 5

  • Verizon Wireless. I felt like I was ready to go back to work in the late spring/early summer this year. I ended up landing a job with Verizon Wireless. After 3 weeks of out of town training, I was thrown into a job that we were never trained for. Crazy hours, unrealistic expectations, and a psycho manager who hated me, my tenure there was short lived. I still have nightmares about that retched place.
  • Going back to work. This piggybacks off of my previous item, but it also goes with my seasonal job at Best Buy right now. I’ve been a stay at home dad for so long that it’s hard for me to go to work because it totally screws with the routine I’ve worked so hard to establish (essential for a balanced life with bipolar) and I miss my kids so much. I miss Jack like nobody’s business. This is my last full week of work and I get to go back spending my day with my little buddy next week. This may make me sound like a little bitch, but I’m a big boy. I can take it.
  • Money. We’re not rich, and I never think we will be. We make enough to get by and that’s about it. We missed out on doing a lot of things this year due to funds, but we made the best of what we had. This will probably be on my Bottom 5 every year.
  • Our sewer. Ugh, where to begin. Let’s just say in the past 45 days we have had Roto-Router out here twice, and the sanitation department 3 times, including Christmas morning. I want a new sewer for Christmas next year!
  • Weight. I started working out last winter on the treadmill and taking walks in the spring and summer to try and take off some weight. I’m still working on the 40lbs I put on from taking Seroquel. Fuck that med! Things were going good until Verizon depressed me and as my wife would say, I started to eat my feelings. Keep me away from the cereal!

So that’s the top and bottom moments in short blurbs of my 2014. It’s certainly been an interesting year to say the least. I know that 2015 is going to have its up and downs — I am just hoping for more ups than downs. And no more sewer problems!!
