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Things have been busy in the world of i/o Computers lately. We closed a nice deal for a website design on Sunday for some people I know that are starting their own business. This should be a challenging design in th fact that it’s an e-commerce site with a retail section, and a members only section for whole with EIN verification. But, we like challenges like this!

Work is work. I’m now the department manager of installed sales, which means all the shit flows directly to me. But that’s ok. You have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

Jess’s birthday is Wednesday which should be nice since we’re both off. We’re probably going to catch a movie in the afternoon, and then drive down to Easton to meet Kelly and Katie for dinner at The Texas Roadhouse. Should be a really fun time!

I think that’s all I really have to talk about. I’m actually thinking about going to bed in a few minutes since I am exhausted. Working all week, and then spending over 10 hours doing i/o Computes stuff on your day off takes a bit out of you. Add to the fact that I could not shut my brain off last night and didn’t end up going to be until almost 1:30am with an alarm set for 4:45am, you can imagine I was not a happy camper this morning. It it wasn’t for my damn work ethic, I so would have called off this morning and slept in. But, duty calls.

And with that, I’m outa here. Later….
