A New Look

As you can tell, I finally decided on a new theme for the site last night. Unlike the last theme which was somewhat tech based (circuit board pattern in the background) I decided to go with a Star Trek theme with a splash of original 2002 for flair. You can obviously see the Trek influence via the large comm badge on the front page serving as a background header image, and the repeating Starfleet delta being used as my background. As for that splash of 2002? I’ll let you figure that one out on your own. 😉

I wrote a post back in December of 2017 about being ‘true to yourself’. In the 9 months since that post I have still remained adamant about what I wrote. Life is too short to not let us indulge in the things we love and the things that make us happy. Case in point, I am taking my son in 15 days to see the original 1996 Transformers animated movie in the theater for a special anniversary viewing. I bet you most people who saw that movie in the theater back in 1996 like myself would never go and see it again because they are ‘grown up’ now and it’s just not what adults are ‘supposed to do’. Screw that. I may be 40 years old but I still love to play video games, listen to hair metal, shop the toy aisle, and I did indeed shed a little tear the day Toys R Us closed its doors for the last time this summer.

I see too many people that are bitter at the world simply because they are unhappy and don’t know how to fix it. For me, ‘fixing it’ is watching one of my favorite movies, watching some Star Trek, or surrounding myself with some ‘toys’ that make me feel like a happy kid again whether it be an action figure, prop replica, or an old computer. While I am a responsible adult by holding down a job, taking care of my family, and paying my fair share in life, there needs to be more then that for me. That’s why I embrace the inner child in me that I hope never goes away.

After coming back and looking at it I have slightly altered the new layout. In the end I don’t like the way the floating header image looked so I just removed the whole thing. I think it looks better this way.
