Escape From New York

Well, we have returned from Jess’s grandmother’s house. It was about a 6 hour drive up there, and about another 6 hour drive home.

What a treat.

Her grandmother got most of Jess’s “extended family” together for a picnic on Saturday. It was a most interesting time. Don’t get me wrong, most of the people I met there was nice.

Most of them.

However, the was a couple there that were complete assholes. They literally beat their kids, we very “back woods”, and had nothing nice to say about Loki. They would let their kids run around and do whatever they want, and then when something bad happened (and it always did) they blamed the kids and who ever was close to them. The “boyfriend” and I got into it once or twice over Loki, and I eventually left with him to an upstairs bedroom until they left.

Let me clarify though that I was not asked to leave. If I had stayed any longer this guy and I would have gone toe-to-toe and that was not appropriate for the place and time. I love Jess’s grandmother and she did not deserve a scene like that. So, I decided to be the bigger man and just walk away. It was nice to find out the next morning that she can’t stand that prick either. Go grandma!

So now that we’re home, we’re in laundry mode. We’ve got 2 loads done already, and have about 2 more to go.

While waiting for the dryer to stop, I’m watching ‘Cranky Geeks’ on TiVo and Jess is making some spinach and artichoke dip for us. Isn’t she a great wife?!

In fact, she just told me it’s all done, so we’re going to have a nice snack while watching ‘Feasting on Asphalt’.


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