End of Days

Today is what is considered to be the last official day of Summer.

So how do I rate the Summer of 2007? On a scale of 1-10 I’d have to give it a solid 9.5.

The highlight of the summer was of course spending a week in England.
 Some of the other great highlights include playing fetch as often as I could with Loki, swimming with the family in the new pool, taking my wife Knoebel’s for the first time, getting our new LCD HDTV, re-connecting with Bertman, seeing The Police live in Hershey, and finally taking the road trip to New York to stay with Jess’s grandmother.

I’m sure I missed a lot of great highlights because this was really an awesome summer. Plus it’s going to end on a real high note this weekend when Jess, Kelly, Katie and I all hit the beach for the weekend.

I’ve been hooked on a new show lately, The Dog Whisperer. We’ve had some definite issues with training Loki, and believe it or not, watching this show has helped out a lot. I can now take him for a walk and keep him walking at my side at my pace rather than out in front pulling. Granted, it’s not 100% 100% of the time, but it’s an amazing improvement over the past week. I’m thinking that if I can keep him going along this path, he’ll be a joy to walk in about 1 month.

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