Snow Time

According too all the major new outlets, we’re supposed to get some snow starting tonight and continuing into tomorrow. By what I can fins, it looks like we’re going to see anywhere from 3-6 inches when all is said and done tomorrow night.

To be honest, that’s alright with me. Jess and I are both off today. We’re not sure what we’re going to do today, but regardless, the snow isn’t supposed to start until after midnight.

As for this weekend, it’s been a fun, busy weekend. Kelly had been here all weekend, and we’ve gotten a chance to hang out with a lot of friends and have quite a few good laughs. We had dinner with The Bertman and his wife on Friday night, followed by drinks and some Guitar Hero. Last night JP, Kelly, Jess and I all went wardriving. As always, things went from fun, to crazy to perverse in a matter of minutes! All I can say is that I will never look at a pogo stick the same way again!

As for today, we’re kinda leaving it open. Jess and I talked about maybe going to see a movie before the snow moves in. We might just hang out here and watch some of the movies we have on the network, or some of the DVDs we found yesterday while re-organizing them. Who knows. Either way it will be excellent for 2 reason. First, I get to hang out with Jess all day. Secondly, neither one of us have to go to work until tomorrow.

The best part about this weekend is that I get to do it all over again next weekend since Jess and I are both off again!
