David Hewlett

Two People, One Mind

Yesterday my wife and I finally cashed in our Christmas present that my sister-in-law Jenn got us. No, we’re not a little slow to return things to a department store that was purchase 6 months ago. What Jess’s sister got for us for Christmas was pretty cool and unique.

When she came up for Jess’s birthday party in December, she was a little late. We did think anything of it since anyone who knows Jess’s family know that they are collectively late about 98% of the time. It’s like gravity; that’s just a fact and it’s not going to change for anyone. Anyway, we never thought twice about it until we all got together later in the month for our belated Christmas. At my mother-in-law’s house, Jenn handed Jess a standard clothing box and said this was for both of us. I was intrigued since not too many people know we tend to wear each others underwear quite often. (let’s just forget I just typed that) When Jess opened up the box it was full of paperwork. At first I thought Jenn was trying to pass off some work onto us, when Jess started to really look at it. Here, when she was late to Jess’s birthday party, she was really shopping for us in downtown Wilkes-Barre. In this box were gift certificates to the local theater downtown, our favorite thai restaurant Thai Thai, and Barnes & Noble. Not only was this cool since all of these locations were on the same block downtown, but in with the certificates was a note from Jenn stating that this was a ‘date night’ and that she would come up when we decided to use these and babysit Jackson for the day. Awesome!

Flash forward to yesterday. We finally cashed in our Christmas present. In the morning we woke up, got dressed, and headed to Gavin’s baseball game. It has rained all morning, but by the time his game started at 11:30am, the sun was out and the skies were blue. We watched his game, and right at the end of the last inning, we left to go meet Jenn who was at our home. Since the field is only across the street from our house it was not that far to travel. About 1/4 of the way home, we met Jenn who was walking over to see us. We all walked back and gave Jenn the 10 minute down and dirty tour of Jackson’s world and what to expect. By 1:20pm, we were in the car, on the way to the theater to see ‘Iron Man 2’, and our official date night had started.

The movie, first and foremost, was awesome. Granted, I would have to say that I like the first one better simply for the fact that I LOVED watching him build his suit. But no matter how you look at it, the second movie kicked ass! After the movie, neither one of us was too hungry, so we walked over to Barnes & Noble. This is where a hilarious and weird thing happened.

As per our usual protocol when entering a book store, we walk in together and quickly go our separate directions. As much as we love each other, our tastes in literature rarely overlap. Usually I’m starships and Stargates, while she’s more, well, anything else really. So, we go our separate ways and browse. I head right for the Sci-Fi/fantasy section, my usual favorite place in any book store. While browsing, nothing really caught my eye. As I was looking at the last rack of books, one did catch my eye. The book was ‘Flash Forward’ by Robert J. Sawyer. This is the book the television series of the same name was based on. I know the book differs from the TV series since David Hewlett talked about it on Twitter while he was reading it. Since we had gift cards, and I didn’t have to worry about hitting my back coffers up to purchase this tome, I grabbed it and continued my browsing.

After another 20 minutes or so of browsing, I happen to run into my wife in the back of the store. I noticed she had a book in her hand. We walk over to each other to see what each of us had found. When we go about 6 feet away we both started laughing. Somehow, some way, without every discussing it, we both had picked the EXACT same book out to purchase. What the hell are the odds of that? Now, I can understand this event if we had talked about picking up the book the next time we were out. But to my knowledge, we have NEVER talked about the book at all, let alone buying it at some point. After laughing about how creepy and funny this event was, we ended up spending another 30 minutes or so looking at more books and left the store with a nice bounty of new editions for our bookshelves. After this, we headed straight for dinner at Thai Thai.

Dinner there was amazing as always. I decided to feast upon the ginger duck, and Jess had a whole, fried fish. Funny story about the fish actually. After Jess ordered the fish, our waitress came back over to our table about 2 minutes later and asked if she wanted the whole fish — fins, head, tail and all — or just fillets. My wife, not only being the adventurous type, but am amateur foodie as well, opted for the whole shebang. Impressed with her decision, I applaud he choice. Then a few minutes later, a look of dread come over her face. She had never asked how big said whole fish was. What if they bring our this huge 4ft fish that requires a separate table just to present it? What if it’s so big that every time she cut into it, the kinetic force of her knife make the tail flop and hit’s the fine couple siting next to us? Worried about being presented by a possible ichthyosaurs, she calls the waitress back over and inquires about the size of said fish. Much to her delight, she is told the fish will only be about 14″ long. Crisis overted.

After dinner, we go to do some more shopping and are home by 8pm. After thanking Jenn for watching Jackson all afternoon, she heads back home to New Jersey and we relax with Jackson for an hour or two. I say an hour or two since Jackson was asleep by 10pm and we were both in bed by 10:45pm. Even though it was an early bedtime for all of us (totally by choice), we had an awesome day!

Today is Mother’s Day, and Jackson and I are letting Jess sleep in as late as she wants to. we’ve been playing in his room for the better part of an hour now. Today’s is my last day off for a week, so I think we’re all going to spend it relaxing around the house together. A perfect end, to a perfect weekend. Mission accomplished.


I had what some might call an epiphany tonight. It was rather sudden, like most epiphanies are. Mine happened while I was sitting in our rather comfy orange chair in the living room watching ‘Wall-E’. I had my laptop open next to me and I was surfing the net while watching the flick. I’m not quite sure what triggered it, but what I can tell you is that it hit me like a tack hammer to the face.

I need to be a better person.

Now, I’m not saying I’m a horrible person, although I am sure there are some out there who would disagree with me. What I need to be is more than I am right now. In 7 short months, I am slated to be a father. Having children is something I have always wanted whether I have admitted it in the past or not. But there is that underlying fear that I will not be good enough. They say the goal of every parent is to give their children a better life with more opportunities than what they had. I feel that I am up to the task, but at the same time, I am not naïve enough to think I’m not going to make some mistakes along the way. This got me thinking to something else that happened earlier today…

I was doing the dishes while Jess was making dinner when I commented about the shirt I was wearing. It was a shirt I purchased this past summer while on vacation in Ocean Grove, New Jersey. To the best of my knowledge, this was the first time I had worn it since we got back from the trip in September. I accused my wife of shrinking it in the wash because it was rather tight on me. My wife gave me that wry smile that only a wife could give. “No honey, you’ve just put on a little more weight since then”, she explained. I had a hard time with this. I refused to believe I’ve put on enough weight to make a shirt I purchased 5 moths ago now tight on me. But, after thinking about it for a few seconds I knew she was right.

While I have come to the rationalization that I would rather be happy and slightly overweight than thin and miserable, there has to be a self-imposed cut off line. Becoming a father this year means I now longer have a choice in the matter. I need to be healthy enough to be around for my child. This was further reinforced about two hours ago when I was checking my friends on Twitter. One of the people I follow, David Hewlett, made a tweet about he and his son today. I also noticed that he changed his Twitter icon. Looking at his icon just solidified my what I had been thinking about since that comment. His picture is the kind of father I want to be. I can’t do that if I’m fat.

Onto a less visceral topic, I brought a new site design online tonight. It’s something I started working on last night and finished up this evening. I spent the last few hours tweaking it and making sure everything was 100% before bringing it online. As always, if you find any bugs, just throw me an email and I’ll get them fixed.

I also changed the background of my Twitter page tonight. I decided to finally sit down and make up a ‘bio’ background. Basically it’s just my contact information and some of the sites I run.

Thanks to the time change, it just went from 1:59am to 3:00am, so I think it’s time for bed. Audios!