
It’s Going To Be Nasty Out There Today

This is heading our way. It’s supposed to bring a little of everything with it. Today we can look forward to rain, freezing rain, sleet, ice, AND about 1 inch of snow before tomorrow morning. I think I’ll be staying inside today.

Winter Is Finally Here

It looks like winter 2009 was officially ushered in by the snow on Saturday. Since then, the temperatures have barely risen above the freezing mark. In fact, they don’t look to top 32 degrees until the next storm rolls in on Wednesday morning, bringing not snow this time, but our dreaded friend ice.

Sliding into work on Wednesday morning should be fun!

It’s Down To Dude #1 & #2

It would appear that it’s a dead heat between weather dude #1 and weather dude #2. So far, it hasn’t stopped raining once today. It was so bad, that I actually had lunch at the Roach Coach outside my store instead of going out in the monsoon.

Some say this will all freeze tonight and some day it won’t. Me? I really hope it all freezes and encases us so that I can have a nice 3 day weekend!