
Let’s Catch Up

I know my blogging habits have been been horrible these past few weeks. So let’s put that behind us and we’ll catch up.

The biggest thing happened last Sunday. I was a wee bit hungover when I woke up (wee = incredibly) around 9am. I had been up until 3am recording Episode 04 of ‘Growing Up Geek’, and in the process, had consumed half a bottle of vodka. When I finally got up after 3 hours of recording, so did the vodka. Yeah, not such a good feeling. After praying at the porcelain altar for a while, I flopped on the couch with the dog and passed out. When I finally got up, I knew I had about 5 or 6 hours of editing ahead of me, so I drug my sorry, hungover ass to the computer room. When I here, I had a text message from my wife. The text message read, “hope u r not mad. i bought us a wii today.” Thinking I was seeing things or still slightly drunk, I texted her back to see if she was serious. She indeed was. Well, that changed everything. After 2 hours of sitting there checking out Wii games online, I managed to get myself to the shower, and went out shopping for some games. After picking up 2 games, I stopped by her store and picked up the Wii. After helping my dad move some heavy tool and machinery on the way home, and stopping by the grocery store for some muffins (my dinner), I made my home and starting setting up the Wii. Jess luckily stopped on the way home for some games of her own, so by the time she got home the Wii was fully setup and ready to play. We spent the rest of the day playing the Wii. This being my first real Wii experience, I can now see why people want this system so much.

My work week this week was all over the map. I went from needed more hours in the day to get everything accomplished, to not having anything to do an hour after I got there. It eventually ended, and we were both treated to a holiday weekend where we were both off (a rare experience, much like Haley’s Comet.)

Yesterday, Katie and Kelly came up and we all played Wii most of the day. Of course, we all consumed some magnificent Tommy’s wings for dinner. — To be honest, I think they come up more for the wings then to see us! — The girls ended up leaving around 11pm, and I started recording this week’s episode of ‘Growing Up Geek’ shortly thereafter. Knowing I wanted to spend all day today with Jess and my family, I stayed up until 3am last night, got the entire podcast editing, and posted. Since it only ended up being about 45 minutes out of the box, it wasn’t that bad.

Right now Jess and I are just hanging out, listening to some music while we each take care of a few things in cyberspace. She’s working on school work while listening to some techno, and I’m blogging listening to some Billy Joel. Variety is the spice of life! I think we’ll be hitting the showers in the next hour and then it’s off to my parent’s house for some free eats. After that, who knows. All I do know is that I will be with my wife and that’s all that matters.