
End Of The Weekend

Sundays lately have been a day of total relaxation around our household. However the ever-rising mountain of laundry made us be a little more active then we normally would have been on such a day. Although I did find enough time in my busy schedule to take a nap with Loki.

After staying up until 4:30am last night (losing that hour to DST sucked!) I stumbled out of bed around 10:30am this morning. Coming into the computer room, I sat down and checked my email. There on my Mac’s dock was the bouncing blue sphere telling me that there were updates from Apple to install. I looked at what was available and most were run of the mill. There was an update for my Airport card, one for iPhoto, and one or two others for some applications. I let the Mac install them and reboot as it requested without thinking.

I really wish I hadn’t.

About 30 minutes after rebooting, my Mac started its random rebooting again. This was one of the issues I had for weeks along with the graphical freeze ups, so I proceeded to reset the PRAM. Knowing already that this is kind of a Mac ‘cure all’ I thought I was in good hands. After rebooting and holding down Option+Command+P+R until it made the happy sound twice, I hoped that I had cured its ills.

I would be mistaken.

Since then, the Mac has continued to randomly reboot whenever it feels like, usually when I am right in the middle of something. In fact I am writing this on my PC for fear that it will reboot on me in mid-sent

Just kidding.

I did notice that after its last random reboot that it can no longer see my external HD. This also started happening during my last round of reboots. I’m not sure if this is a symptom of the issue or part of the issue itself. Right now it’s too late to really worry about this and something I will work on for the the rest of the week. For now, it’s time to end this weekend by going to bed.

The Day From Hell

Yesterday was quite frankly, the day from hell. Everything that could go wrong, did in fact go wrong. How bad could it have been you ask? Let’s look at everything that happened before the noon hour. The transmission is Jess’s car blew, I received an unanticipated $200 in extra bills in the mail, I got a court summons for something I thought was settled (to which we finally said ‘fuck it’ and settled it for $$ anyway), Bob came home with a 1 1/2 in hole in his hind quarter, my laptop died, and I had to cancel our hotel room for my birthday weekend due to unforeseen circumstances.

Yeah, that’s a lot. However, being industrious people, we managed to fix quite a few of those issues. By 3pm we had all the bills paid, the court summons was satisfied and settled, we spoke with Jess’s dad about her car and he agreed to help us out with it, Bob is not in pain and not bleeding, so we will see what he looks like on Monday since our vet is closed on the weekend, I fixed my laptop, and we made plans without the need for a hotel room on my birthday weekend. Jess even managed some time in there to go get a ‘feel good’ haircut. But after that horrific morning, we not only needed to get out of the house, but to eat and begin car shopping. So, that’s what we did. We hit up Abe’s Hot Dogs for some delicious LHA action (lips, hooves and assholes — the contents of any good hot dog) and began a task I really loathe — car shopping.

After about 3 1/2 hours of driving around to various car lots, we encountered several cars that Jess liked but really only one that was within our self-imposed price range. Finally getting hungry around 7pm, we decided to get some dinner. We hit up Olive Garden for some good eats, and then went to Target to pick up a birthday present for Jess’s grandfather’s 80th birthday party next Saturday, and some new Halloween decorations. Then on the way home, we decided to stop at Blockbuster and pick up something to make us laugh for the rest of the night. We ended up selecting ‘The Love Guru’ and the new ‘Harold and Kumar’.

Before starting our movie night, we wanted to lighten the mood in the house, so we went upstairs and got all the Halloween decorations out. Forgetting what we had purchased last year on clearance, we were surprised with all the cool stuff that was in our Halloween storage tub. We even found the costumes we bought Loki last year, but being a mere puppy, he refused to wear. Being that he is a year older, not to mention much calmer,we decided to give the whole costume thing another shot. Jess put his spider costume on him and much to our surprise, he loved it! We’ll have to find the little Batman costume we also got him and see if he’ll tolerate that as well. We both agreed we have to dress him up and take Loki trick-or-treating with Kyla and Gavin this year. By the way, I think the most disturbing part of the photo of Spider-Loki is that fact that it’s not Photoshopped. For some reason, his eyes naturally glowed green with Jess’s Blackberry flash. I don’t think the dog is of this world…

After the costume parade and putting up some decorations, we settled down on the couch with Loki and Jess. We made some kettle corn, cuddled under my warm Skull blanket, and laughed our ass of at ‘The Love Guru’. It killed me in inches that I really enjoyed it since it was Jess’s pick and I was convinced it would be stupid. Live and let learn I suppose.

Today, we’re off to day 2 of car shopping. We’re going to finish hitting the local lots and then maybe head south to the Allentown area. Jess’s dad is looking down there as well, and we might try to meet up later in the day and take a look together at some cars. I would really appreciate having someone with me who know more then my very limited knowledge of cars. Why can’t we be shopping for computers or electronics?