
Time To Breathe

These past few weeks have been busy, and yet, not so busy. I guess it all depends on how you look at it. For example, a night spent sleeping because you’re exhausted to me is busy since I’m not doing anything recreational, but isn’t since I’m not doing anything constructive either.

Yeah, I’m messed up in the head.

So what’s happened since my last real post? Quite a bit actually since you’re curious. I’ve started using my PC again for the first time since I got my Mac. Truth be told, I have used Remote Desktop quite often to move some files around or to do things I can do easier with a PC. But I have gone a step further by actually bringing the tower down from on top of my file cabinet and connecting it’s mouse and keyboard back up. Right now I don’t have a way to switch video signals, so I just swap put the DVI cable from my Mac to my PC. What is my reasoning for this? Well, it was twofold.

First, my laptop is on the fritz. I know what the problem is but I’m just not sure where it is. See, the AC adapter will no longer supply power. I checked it with a multimeter, but after doing some reading online, that may not be the best test. Certain laptop adapters show a low voltage output until there is a draw. So right now it’s either a bad adapter or a bad power coupling inside my laptop. I have to take our present over to JP’s house for their new baby this weekend, so I think I am going to take my laptop over and check it with his adapter since we have the same exact laptop. With my laptop down, certain things I prefer to do in Windows, or need to do in Windows, have no outlet.

My second reason is actually a PS3 game. I downloaded and played thru the demo of ‘Bioshock’ on the PS3. Playing this really made me want to play the full game, something I started last year on my PC. Plus with the winter coming, I really want to get back into PC gaming. I know you’re asking why since I love my PS3, right? Well, with it getting colder out, my wife is going to be spending more time inside the house and that means she’ll be watching more TV. It’s easier for all involved if I give her the big TV and I play my games in the next room on my PC.

To be honest, when I first hooked everything back up I really missed my PC. In fact, for a single solitary evening, I actually considered going straight PC again for a while. Then Firefox crashed on me 3 times while trying to upload a single picture to MySpace. OS X never looked so good once I switched the DVI cable back!

Speaking of pictures on MySpace, I made some fun discoveries the other night. I was bored and waiting for Jess to come home, so I started going through an old hard drive that I have hooked up to my PC. It was the drive form my old IBM server, and contains files going back about 9 years. In all these old files, I found a bunch of pictures I scanned in from high school. Being the historian I am, I uploaded them to my MySpace page. To save you time, here is a direct link to the album.

Other than working and playing with ‘puters, Jess and I celebrated the 2nd anniversary of our marriage. From what other people have told us, we’re not the only ones in disbelief that it’s been 2 years already. To be honest, I would have said it was last year. I suppose that’s just proof that some of the best memories are the ones that stay the freshest in out minds.

My Own Big Bang Theory

Did you ever wonder why things that used to fascinate you now tend to bore you? I found a picture tonight and it has me asking this question, among a few others. The picture in question is a webcam grab of me working on my computer back in 2004. I’m not sure of the exact date, but from some other corresponding pictures I found as well, I would venture a guess and say March of 2004.

What really fascinates me about this picture is he intensity of my gaze. This was right after I had hooked up a tri-monitor display to my Windows XP machine. This was back when I was very much single, and would come home from a long day of work, to a very empty house. I would immediately sit down at my computer, and not leave until it was time to go to bed. Then I would retire to the bedroom where I had another computer, my server at the time, and would throw on a bootleg movie and fall asleep to that. I look at that picture and I see someone who is now sort of alien to me. Sure, I still spend a fair amount of time at my computer, but nowhere the amount I used to. Also, when I am on the computer, I am no where near as engulfed as I appear to be in that picture. That’s the look of a man on a mission.

I know I’m a completely different person now that I was then. In the last 4 years I have fallen in love, let someone move into my home with me, married said person, accumulated a small zoo of pets, and lead a somewhat different lifestyle now. Back then, I was a free spirit; a digital Ronin if you will. Now, I have a wife, family, and responsibility. This little box full of microprocessors and magnetically stored information takes a backseat to my wife and family now.

Which brings up another point I have been pondering along the way.

Up until 8 months ago, I used a Windows PC exclusively. I know it’s the propaganda of the Cupertino Cult, but using a Mac rally does change you. I find myself spending less time on the computer because I don’t have to. With a PC, there is constant maintenance, while with a Mac, there is not. Plus, for some weird reason, I find that I am more productive with a Mac then I am with a PC. Weird, yes. Do I sound like Justin Long, maybe. But it is all true.

So you’re probably asking why I am obsessing about a stupid picture taken over 4 years ago. I think it’s for the same reason we still look at pictures from our wedding. Or why every once and a while we flip through our old high school year book. We sometimes get caught up in all our daily bullshit, that we forget what it was like to be young. We for get what it was like to be free of the responsibilities we now have to bear. We look back and deep down, are a bit envious that we’re not there anymore. But then you have to step back and look at what you have now, and be thankful that you made the right choices. Sure, you’re bound to make some mistakes, everyone does. But the important things is that you find happiness.

Back in 2004, obviously my computer made me happy. That was the center of my universe.

Flash forward to 2008, and my center of the universe has shifted slightly…for the better.