Metal Gear Solid 4

New Year’s Day

Today is going to be spent working on the house. Here is what I have planned out:

  • Install New Bathroom Faucet
  • Hang New Ironing Board/Iron Caddy
  • Clean Up Living Room
  • Wash All New Glassware Purchased From Pier 1 Yesterday (God Bless Gift Cards!!)
  • Cook A Kick Ass Turkey Dinner For The Wife and I

Once Jess gets home from work and we have dinner, I think it’ll be a nice quiet night together. We’ll probably watch a few episodes of ‘Bones’ on DVD, and possibly ‘Wall-E’ on Blu-ray.

After today, I have a pretty decent work schedule. I work Friday & Saturday, off Sunday, work Monday & Tuesday, run an installer certification class at the Wilkes-Barre Best Western on Wednesday & Thursday, and then I have Friday, Saturday & Sunday off. Not too shabby if you ask me.

I am considering going out and picking up ‘Dead Space’ for the PS3 this week, but I have decided to hold off on that until I finally beat on of my existing games. I think the game in question to beat will be ‘Metal Gear Solid 4’. Once I beat that, then I will allow myself to purchase a new game.

sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!

So today I plan on making a fun/work day. I started off my morning by sleeping in a little bit (9:30am), followed up by a wonderful breakfast prepared by my wife. Once breakfast was consumed, we watched a little TV for about an hour. After that, my wife retreated to the bedroom for a quick pre-work nap and I played through ‘The Force Unleashed’ demo for the third time.

Now that she is preparing to go to work, I think I am going to spend the rest of the day thusly. I am going to really clean up the computer room and get rid of all the stuff lingering in boxes. I’ll be doing all of this while watching & listening to TWiT Live. If nothing good is on there, I’ll hit up the media box and load up some Stargate Atlantis episodes.

Once the computer room is free of clutter (well, most of it at least) I will treat myself to a dinner of steak sandwiches. Once said sandwiches have been consumed, I will then relax and take a drive through Liberty City. If the mood arises, maybe infiltrate a military base and steal a helicopter. After that, maybe I’ll do a little covert ops in the middle east with my buddy Solid Snake. If all goes to plan, somewhere in the middle I hope to change the oil in my car in preparation for our trip to the beach.

Again, this is my loosely laid out plan. We’ll know in a few hours how much of it comes to fruition.

Old Days

Thanks to Konami, the gamer side of me has been reborn.

I picked up Metal Gear Solid 4 on Thursday when it came out. I was going to hold off and buy it next Thursday after work so i could start playing it on my vacation, but I just couldn’t resist buying it on release day. I’ve always been a big Metal Gear fan, even though I never got around to beating Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty. (in all fairness, my ex taking our copy with her had something to do with that) I came home that night, and threw the disc into my PS3 while Jess went outside ion the porch to write a paper for school.

Let’s just say the game sucked me right in. So much so that I was up until after 2am playing last night, even though I woke up at 5am yesterday to go to work.

Yeah, that sounds like the old me.

I’m about 4 hours into the game and have just started the Second Act, but with the way Act 1 ended, this looks like it’s going to be a pretty killer game.

In other new around the Earth, today is Father’s Day. Jess is currently at work and won’t be home until about 4pm. So, I’m going to hop in the shower after this, and go see my dad. Then when she gets home, she’s going to take a quick shower and we have to head down to Easton to see her dad and have dinner with him. (about an hour and 40 minute drive) So, given that I just woke up at noon, this is pretty much my day. I do have to swing by the grocery store and pick up some cat food since we’re all out. Trust me, having hungry cats is not a good thing — they’ll eat your toes off if they’re hungry enough!

Other than all that, I go back to work at 6am tomorrow, and go straight thru until Thursday. At 6pm on Thursday, I officially start my vacation and won’t return back to work until 6am on 6/30/08. During this time off I’m going to work on the house a bit, and play lots and lots of video games. I’m hoping I can get pretty close to beating MGS4, and get a lot farther in GTA4. We’re also planning to do a special episode og Growing Up Geek on 6/27/08 which should be fun. I’ll let more details slip closer to the actual date.

For now, I’m off to the shower and to get my day stared.